Miss Reagan was a champion sleeper, I must say. Oh, and she was super cute. Champ sleeper + super cute = big blog post from happy photographer 🙂
During the pre-session consultation I always ask parents about favorite colors, hobbies, interests, or any tid bits of information that I could use to personalize the session to THEM. Reagan’s parents told me they had a special thing for ladybugs so I knew I had to incorporate them into the session. During the session they told me the special story behind why they loved ladybugs so much…
Both of them lost their mom’s in 1997 to Cancer (which is kinda crazy, because that is the year I lost my mom to Cancer as well). They told their son’s that whenever they saw ladybugs, that was their grandmas’ watching over them (so sweet right?!). At various scary or intense moments in their lives, ladybugs have just appeared and it always puts them at ease that everything is going to be alright. That their mom’s are there, protecting their family…. love.
So I made a special headband for Reagan (and I didn’t know about the story yet when I made it, but isn’t it funny that I felt I needed to put 2 ladybugs on it- perfect- one for each of Reagan’s grandma’s!).
Reagan’s parents are both educators, so the apple hat was a must!
Mom’s favorite color is purple… so of course we had to…
Absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the shots I got of Reagan with her big brothers. She will be so loved and protected <3
I’m a sucker for a shot of baby in daddy’s hands…